It’s been a VERY long time since we updated anything here. So, here is a little tidbit to tide you over.
Our Blog
Things Got Mystic
Valentine’s Day and we got a little Mystic. Definitely the most eclectic hot springs we found on this tour.
Norm hits the desert on Valentine’s Day
With Lisa on the phone sharing the news with our family and friends, we left the magic of Arches National Park behind. We then pointed ourselves towards Monroe, UT and Mystic Hot Springs for more soaking on what has turned into quite a little hot springs tour.
We’re Engaged!
Corona Evening
Ha…not what you thought right?! The Corona arch is not too far from many a bike ride we’ve been on in the past. The only thing missing this evening was an actual Corona or two. You can see Shadow and BJ below the arch. We also had a great time teasing Shadow with the echoes bouncing off the walls, he didn’t know which way to look!
Desert Solitaire
Ahh…this is where Norman is meant to be. We are all happy to be in Moab camping up by the Slickrock Trail. Who would have known that you can get temperatures in the mid-60’s this time of year. To top it off, this is the first time we have been here when we haven’t been scratching and clawing for a campsite. We are literally the only people camping in the entire Sand Flats Recreation Area.
Although we don’t have our bikes with us this time (I know, right?), the lunch time and evening explorations are amazing. We’ve never just wandered around the slickrock in our previous visits. In the days ahead, we hope to explore a few other hiking trails that have gone under the radar when the mountain bikes are around.
The clouds lifted off of the La Sal Mountains in the late afternoon and the orange desert glow turned its focus to the fresh coating of snow. There really is nothing like an evening sunset in the desert here in Moab. The orange and reds of the desert contrasted with the fresh white snows of the mountains is pretty awesome.